The role of vocational Guidance counsellor

Education prepares the citizens of tomorrow. Our future citizens must take up careers for which they have the flair. Most students are unaware of the various career options available to them and stumble on their way in life trying to discover what they are the best made for. Trained student counselors, using aptitude tests and a series of other tests, help children in the process of selecting appropriate careers taking into consideration of their academic, extra curricular performance, interests and aspiration. A guidance counselor emphasizes life skills, study skills and decision-making processes.

Professionals are invited from diverse fields and spheres of life to broaden the concept of careers and help students to devel op a real i sti c assessment of available and emerging vocational alternatives. The school will identify the talents of the children by the time they reach the class X. Students who are not well in academics will be taught some technical jobs. The school will give counseling and interaction to children. They may include office jobs, travel and tourism, adventurous sports etc.

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