• All children registered are required to be assessed by the HAPS admission committee to test the efficiency in English, Maths, Science & General Awareness of the concerned Class to be admitted followed by Interaction of parents and students with the Principal.

  • A reference check from the Previous School may be done.

  • Admission to HAPS Almora is offered on the Basis of above. The offer has to be accepted by paying requisite fee within 7 days failing which the seat may be offered to the next suitable applicant

  • The Principal reserves the right admit the student to admit the student into the class deemed suitable for him or her.

  • All enquiries can be made to the Admission Office.

It is a common fact that in many of the leading schools, children are subjected to tests and interviews. This generally results in the traumatization of innocent minds. Keeping this in view, the school has adopted a mild procedure as follows. There is no written test for admission. Only the growth, self-reliance, power of observation, comprehension, articulation and general awareness are the criteria for the admission.

School Fee & Payment Schedule

For Day Scholars

The brochure of charges and the schedule of payment are available at the school office. The parents are requested to look into every instruction carefully and obey the rules in its totality:

  • Payment of fees shall be deposited in cash/cheque/demand drafts in favour of school in the bank.

  • Sibling Discount.

  • The parents are expected to write clearly students folio number, name and class.

  • Fee will have to be deposited only on Quarterly or Yearly basis. Last date of payment of fees th will be 15 of the months April, July, October & January for the day scholars, failing which Rs. 10/- per day as late fee would be charged. If the defaulter is unable to clear his/her dues within 30 days, his/her name will be struck of the rolls and re-admission would be allowed only if all dues are cleared along with Rs. 1000/- as re admission charges, that too after completing the admission formalities a fresh.

Documents Required at the Time of Admission

The following Documents ( Original & Photocopy ) are to be submitted at the time of evaluation :-

  • Birth Certificate ( Original / Photo copy Attested )

  • Academic Reports & Certificate

  • Individual ‘s Passport size Photographs (3) of the students and Parents.

  • Aadhar card photocopy of the student & parent.

Withdrawal Procedure

  • If any parents want to take T.C. after completion of session they have to submit application before st 31 March other wise they have to pay one quarter fees for the next class.

  • If the child is withdrawn in midsession or expelled from the school, the fees and charges paid will not be refunded in part or in full.

  • Transfer certificate will not be issued until or unless all the dues are cleared.

Enquiry!.. Change Your Life Through Education.