The Hostel

The basic living unit of students is the Dormitory, managed by the Resident House Master, who is also a faculty member. He/She is always available to students for personal counseling and guidance. Being a co-educational school, separate Hostels exist for boys and girls.

A full time Matron/Warden is also available in each Hostel to look after the welfare and needs of students, who are nurtured and groomed through love, affection, persuasion instead of harsh methods.

Flexi Boarding

The School provides flexi boarding for students for Class III upwards, to suit the requirements of students and their families.

Full Boarding

The students availing Full Boarding option Stay with the School throughout the entire three terms and visit their homes only during the vacations (summer & winter).

Week Boarding

The students availing Week Boarding option Stay with the School during the week (Monday through Saturday) and may visit their homes during the weekends (leaving on Saturday evening and returning by Sunday evening) also, besides during the vacations (summer & winter).

Diet & Dining

Spacious and fly proof dining hall catering to 200 pax. Faculty members dine with students and supervise their eating habits and table etiquette. What a boarder misses most when away from home is good food.

This is also the parents prime concern. We pride ourselves on the quality of food we serve. Nutritional value of food is the basis for catering to the children's taste. Fruits and milk from a rich supplement to the daily diet.


Medical Care

All children of the school are subjected to regular medical check up to ensure optimum growth at all stages of childhood. All students will be under the supervision of an expert. A medical professional will monitor the students, advise and regulate the life style such as exercise, diet, medicines and vitamins intake.

We conduct regular camps for parents to make sure that every thing goes smooth in the family environment too. Experts from All India Institute of Medical Sciences and other renowned hospital of New Delhi will conduct these camps. All parents are encouraged to avail this great opportunity.

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